Dell Technologies

One of the world’s largest and most innovative companies, I help extend Dell Technologies vision through my work as Senior Producer for Dell Technologies Production & Broadcast. Working hand-in-hand with clients and executives, I bring my extensive production experience to craft, distill and create messaging that is on point, on budget and on time. In addition to aiding in the conception and creation of top-tier events, I also produce evocative video content to accompany our events and campaigns.

Dell Technologies World 2023
Co-Producer of all Keynote & Arena Content including:
    • Michael Dell, Chuck Whitten and Jeff Clarke Keynotes
    • James Cameron & Security Trailblazers
    • Global Partner Summit
    • All Customer Videos featured in Keynotes

Field Readiness Seminar 2023
Producer & Co-Director for Keynote. Developed and produced Volume Virtual (Unreal) production with multiple ‘locations’ including international automotive plates.

CES Preview 2023
Producer & Director of international broadcast featuring multiple hosted interviews at a custom-built multi-room showcase in NYC.

Dell Technologies Summit 2022
Producer of international press broadcast with Dell Executive Leadership.

The Great Reconnect 2022
Producer & Director of 4 part internal broadcast featuring interviews and content from across Dell’s 60,000 strong international workforce. 

“An AI Journey through James Cameron’s films - DTW ‘23 ”

With an eye towards zeitgeist, I collaborated with AI to create posters that evoked films from James Cameron’s filmography. The goal was not to copy existing work, rather to be suggestive of images and scenes from the films, with the intent of hooking attendees on the way to the event to stop, think, and have that joyful spark of connection when they recognize the film the image is conveying.

We chose  the Shutterstock AI creation tool (DALL-E) because it was trained solely on existing licensed work from the Shutterstock library. This avoided the current challenges with other AI’s datasets coming from unauthorized or questionable sources.

Executive Producer: Matt Nolan
Producer & Director: Daniel Loyd
Final Graphics: Lee Thibodeaux

Highlighting the partnership between Dell and Unicef, Dell provides supercomputing power to the Giga project’s mission of connecting every school in the world to the global internet. Premiering at Dell Technologies World’23, this video is also featured through Unicef’s web and marketing campaigns.

Executive Producer: Matt Nolan
Producer & Director: Daniel Loyd
Editor: Mike Bruining
Graphics: Lee Thibodeaux
Camera: DTPB (USA) & Pictures that Move (Spain)
Sound: June Miller
Color: Fraser MacMannis

“CES Preview Tour”
A premiere event showcasing the latest Dell Technology products and thought leadership to members of the press prior to the annual CES show. A 30min broadcast is created and screened to the international press (invite only).

Executive Producer: Matt Nolan
Producer & Director: Daniel Loyd
Editor: Mike Bruining
Graphics: Lee Thibodeaux
Camera: DTPB
Sound: June Miller
Color: Fraser MacMannis